Experiencing 4 Countries in less than 20 minutes


Experiencing Southern Africa has been such a joy. Each country I decided to see, left me with lasting memories.

I have made more than one trip to some of these countries. Many things took me to Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Namibia. And Zambia being my home country, has been a wonderful home.

Just to go down memory lane, I will, should I leave my country for good, always remember the Mighty Victoria Falls. It is a touristic identity of the country and being in Zimbabwe many times, I must say that the same falls will remind me of Zimbabwe as it is also found there.

I will always remember Namibia for its beaches and deserts and Botswana for its wildlife.

If the truth be told, I would love to do a revisit. What was closest to this visit I am desiring, was when I took a trip enjoying my moment on the safaris of the Chobe River, only to find out I experienced all four of these countries in less than 20 minutes!

Before I got to Chobe River for the safari, I passed through Kazungula bridge and it is at this place that Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and Zambia borders meet at a quadripoint. I love that this bridge was worked on and looks beautiful and I spent time admiring the Zambezi River from this side of the country.

This Botswana- Zambia border connects two points on the Zambezi river, one with Namibia in the Northwest to one with Zimbabwe in the Southeast. This boundary on the Zambezi River is also known as the “Four Corners of Africa”.  The four countries meet on the eastern side of the Caprivi Strip. What is more interesting is that research has it that there are more than 150 tripoints in the world like Egypt, Libya, and Sudan in Africa; Brazil, Guyana, and Venezuela in the Americas; Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan in Asia; Austria, Germany, and Switzerland in Europe but there is only one International quadripoint in the world and I am happy to have had seen this point.  It is always a great feeling to come across rare places. You will find the four countries Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Botswana meeting at the confluence of the Chobe and Zambezi Rivers.

I bet there are other points one could enjoy this quadripoint from, but one of these is on the Chobe River. I sat on the boat waiting to come across some wildlife of Botswana. There were lots of animals to see but that is a story for another day. What made my day was learning and experiencing this rare truth that the boat I was on did not just make a stop on ordinary waters but on a spot that made me experience four countries in less than twenty minutes!

Though this point could take about five to six minutes, I decided to wait longer than this by asking the boatman for his permission. I figured this rare place could be appreciated more if there was a poster or something but because this was on water, there was little chance of this.

21 thoughts on “Experiencing 4 Countries in less than 20 minutes

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  1. This is so cool, Faith! It reminded me of when I visited the meetup point of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay in one day through the Iguazu Falls.

    I’ve shared with you several times that Victoria Falls is on my bucket list to visit one day. Oh I can’t wait for that magical day to arrive.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would love to visit South America someday 😃…. and you are gonna love Victoria Falls but just visit in the right season like March- April and bring lots of raincoats cos just walking close to the falls will drench you💦

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  2. Our world becomes bigger when we travel outside our comfort zone. We moved to Bolivia SA when our two children were young and they learn to love a bigger world. After the both graduated we moved to Papua New Guinea for our next country, which was a little harder to live in. As over seas missionaries we had so many adventures that are off the grid but are so good for our world view. We were seven years in both countries so we traveled on a one way ticket verses a short stay is a round trip ticket. Our oldest grandson is working on a farm in Africa right now, what an adventure for him. I will say moving back to good old America and all its first world problems is quite the adjustment. Both my children our grateful for all the world has to offer them and they do not expect it to be just hand to them for nothing. How old are you by the way, just curious. Blessings.

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    1. Wow😃😃 you have experienced a bigger world. Sad that Papua New Guinea was harder place to be in. It must have been hard trying to adjust to good old America on its fast lane. Thank you for passing through


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